Thanks for another interesting AMA, Jon.

Regarding EN and Google Calendar - did you mention that when you are in EN Calendar and viewing your Google Calendar from it, that you can upfate Google Calendar events that you see in EN Calendar? Always felt that's been useful. And you can create Events in EN Caklendar toa ppear on your Google Calemdar - this 2-way sync is useful.

Regarding the EN icon on the task bar... mine's there in the Windows system tray, but it's turned white! I got around this by adding a new icon, but I think EN updates (or mayve Windows updats) have regressed it to whire...

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Yes, you can edit Google and Outlook events in Evernote but only the main information like dates, times and title.

I think(?) its something to do with the colour of the taskbar. Mine is black so white works well but if you're colour is light it could be hard to see. I think I've seen it mentioned before so hopefully its on the list.

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Hi Jon. Possible new AMA question if you're willing: How can I use EN in a time line fashion where I just date and time stamp quick notes across a wide variety of topics? I use EN all day long and usually add notes to the top of a variety of notes but I get tired of all the switching between notes. I'd love to just dump notes into a daily or weekly note but I don't see how I can then quickly pull up the notes for a specific customer doing it that way. Thanks.

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