
AMA 21: How can I add multiple client notes to Evernote in a more efficient way?

This week on Ask Me Anything about Evernote we have a question from Dave!

If you have a question you’d love an answer to then leave it in the comments below and I’ll add it to the list.

Dave asks

How can I use EN in a time line fashion where I just date and time stamp quick notes across a wide variety of topics?

I use EN all day long and usually add notes to the top of a variety of notes but I get tired of all the switching between notes.

I'd love to just dump notes into a daily or weekly note but I don't see how I can then quickly pull up the notes for a specific customer doing it that way.

Thanks for watching. Leave your questions in the comments below and if you found this useful and have it in your pocket to offer some support you can tip me a coffee here.

All the best


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