Newsletter housekeeping: The latest version for PC & Mac is 10.128.4. You can grab it from the download page. Latest mobile version is 10.128.5.
Many thanks to everyone who have supported Taming the Trunk over the last few weeks, its much appreciated. If you find this article useful and have it in your pocket to support my efforts you can tip me a coffee here.
A quick programming note. Apologies for no AMA video this week, way too much travelling, hopeless hotel & train Wi-Fi and too much real work to do. Back next week.
Over the last few weeks there have been a few itty-bitty improvements to Evernote that are too small to grab the headlines but are still very useful.
Here we go.
Pin templates to your note for easy access
This is very useful and I've been using it for a few days now.
When you create a new note, you can set the templates you see in the template selection area, like this.
If you click on the My template
button it pops up a list of your templates and you can use the pin on the far right to pin a template to the empty note.
I'm not sure what the limit is on the number of templates you can pin. I've managed all seven of mine but I've not experimented yet with more. Let me know if you've managed more than seven in the comments?
This little improvement has already sped up note creation for me especially for my daily note.
Pinned space notes now have hover tooltips
I've been moaning about this since trying out the Evernote spaces feature before Christmas.
You couldn't really tell what a pinned note was about because the pin is very short.
Here's what pinned notes in my Taming the Trunk space look like.
Evernote... what? Evernote 2025…? Meeting about... what?
We can now hover over the pin and a tool tip appears with the full title of the note.
This is very useful and many times I've found myself hovering over pins to figure out what they are.
Change text into a header using a / command
Sometimes I forget to use a ## at the beginning of a sentence to create a heading.
Other times I decide to change a line of text into a heading.
The way to do this is to highlight the text and head to the menu at the top of the page and select header or to slot in a ## or ### before that line of text and hit a space.
We now have another way using a / command.
If you enter a / at the end of a line of text or in the middle after a space then the slash command menu appears, select a header and the whole line turns into a heading.
I've used this a few times when I forget to create the header at the beginning of the sentence.
There you go. Three improvements that will make working in Evernote a little smoother.
Are you using any of these yet? Let me know what you think of them in the comments?
And finally…
Evernote have just published a guide on what the difference is between Spaces, Stacks and Notebooks.
Some good info and use cases here so if you’re not using spaces yet, take a look.
Have a great weekend
All the best
The ability to add our own templates to the new note view is really cool and I am already using it.
I normally use the "type in the "#'s before the text" method to change a heading. However you cannot go from a header to normal text using this method and you can't do it using the / command either.
I too really like the quick access to my templates in the new note window; works great for daily note. I have different tasks for each day of the week, so I just go to daily note; delete all and then put in template for "Monday Tasks", "Tuesday Tasks", etc.
Hooray for the hover on pinned notes in spaces! Maybe it was always there, but I also noticed the hover is also there in notes in the sidebar when viewing any notebook.