Looking very good. I've used templates in a limited way, but this enhanced version with the ability to include tags, tasks, etc will defibitely provide the opportunity to use them more and improve workflow.

As I understand from your summary, Templatesa are created in the Notebook youy're currently wotkingg - can you move templates between notebooks? Or have I misunderstood the way that works?

Spaves, Templates, what next to be added to EN?

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Yes. You can create templates in the notebook you would use the template in or any other notebook. I have mine scattered around various notebooks but can see them all together in the Templates link in the sidebar. Pretty flexible.

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Templates did not support Tags so far. Will the new sysstem support this?

3 minutes later: - oups - saw, that Matt seems to have the same issue ;-). So this is a reall need!

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Yes. Templates can use tags and tasks! A template is now the same as a note.

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THX a lot. And sorry, I read your article twice but didn't see the key sentence "One huge positive change is that you can include tags, tasks ..."" 😴

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This looks like it'll be quite handy. I often need a number of notes all with the same tags so used to create a blank note and duplicate it (easier when you could select more than one note at a time to duplicate, back in the day).

Using templates for this seems like a more elegant solution.

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Being able to add tags to templates is very useful. Also tasks.

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