And a good job on making the App's working and workflow much clear than most... and as noted by others in other postings, that includes Straight Forks or some such body.
I'm a fairly recent subscriber but have enjoyed working my way though your material and the insights offered. It's been a delight to find a space where the strengths and limitations of this terrific app can be discussed in frank and thoughtful ways.
Happy Birthday to TTT! I have only been a subscriber for a few weeks but it’s already been a valuable resource and made my experience of Evernote all the better for it. Here’s to the future!
Nicely done too, you don't look older. : )))))
And a good job on making the App's working and workflow much clear than most... and as noted by others in other postings, that includes Straight Forks or some such body.
Thanks. Much appreciated.
Congratulations Jon!
I'm a fairly recent subscriber but have enjoyed working my way though your material and the insights offered. It's been a delight to find a space where the strengths and limitations of this terrific app can be discussed in frank and thoughtful ways.
Thanks Chris. Welcome to the herd!
Happy 2nd Birthday for yesterday TTT!!! Looking forward to seeing how TTT develops.
Happy Birthday to TTT! I have only been a subscriber for a few weeks but it’s already been a valuable resource and made my experience of Evernote all the better for it. Here’s to the future!
Many thanks. Much appreciated.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you.